# Install For Debian 12 (and more...) On server : ```bash apt install python3-flask python3-paramiko python3-psutil ``` On nodes : ```bash apt install python3-psutil ``` For Debian < 12 ```bash pip3 install psutil flask paramiko ``` On nodes : ```bash pip3 install psutil ``` If you prefer (recommended), you can run in an python env ```bash apt install python3-venv python3 -m venv Pymonit . /Pymonit/bin/activate pip3 install psutil flask paramiko ``` # Configuration ## Clients Add your client in the python list client: ```bash client = ['','server.local','server.mydns'] ``` ## Generate keys for connection Becarrefull, avoid using a root user to start application and connect to client. Use a dedicated user. On server, generate a pair of key : ```bash ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa ``` And push the public key in your clients : ```bash ssh-copy-id -i /.ssh/id_rsa.pub @ ``` ## Configuration on application You have to report these info on the application : ```bash class ssh_conf: port = 22 username = '' password ='/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' ``` For testing purpose, but still not recommended, you can use a password in configuration file. ```bash class ssh_conf: port = 22 username = '' password ='' ``` ## Flask configuration Configure the flask configuration according to your needs (port,host,...) ```bash class flask_conf: port = 8090 host = "" thread = False debug = False reloader = False ssl = 'adhoc' ``` NB: the parameter ssl = 'adhoc' will activate the HTTPS with a self certificate. If you get an error, you should add this package : ```bash pip3 install pyopenssl ``` ## Path configuration ```bash class paths : basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) agent_path = basedir+'/agent.py' remote_path = '/var/tmp/script.py' ``` remote_path : the location where the agent will be pushed and execute. Take care that your used is able to write and execute in this location. ## Systemctl (optional) To easy start, stop and restart application, you can use the monit.service template. Replace the path according to your system in : ```bash [Unit] Description= Monit service After=multi-user.target [Service] Type=simple Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /application/path/app.py [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` Copy the file in your systemd folder : ```bash cp ./monit.service /etc/systemd/system/ ``` Then you can start it : ```bash systemctl start monit.service ``` To get it automaticaly start with your system: ```bash systemctl enable monit.service ```