2023-06-22 15:30:22 +02:00

86 lines
2.3 KiB

System/core install:
- install of lxc and core components
- install python3 and components to comunicate with lxc-api
- install flask and template render for the interface rending
- html/css/fonts :
.fonts are from googlefont free to use*
* sources:https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL
- icons : fontawsome adapted to flask : flask_fontawesome
* sources:https://pypi.org/project/Flask-FontAwesome/
- Adding configuration in seperate file (./static/config.ini)
- Adding logs
- Adding Font Awsome
- Correct many bugs : naming restrictions, alert messages
- Interface CSS review
- Add static ip option
- Adding Web Terminal to Console (Pyxtermjs)
- Improving Installer (Quiet mode)
- Check if Container is running before Terminal Button display
- Adding Login page, PAM Auth.
- Adding VM manager using libvirt
- Adding ISO management zone (upload/use/delete)
- Adding Pool and Volume View
- Adding Terminal in a Modla
- Review on webpage management and design
- Adding menu (flask-menu)
- Adding Monitoring View
- Improve Monitoring :charts (pygal)
- Finish Virtual Server form creation
- Fixed Terminal for Creation
- Adding host page info
- Adding log streaming
- Design improvement (Menu/snapshot/head of menu)
- Improving Monitoring by psutils (more compliance with other systems)
- Adding Snap removal
- Adding bridged network
- Adding Volume deletion
- Adding LXC monitoring
- Adding Volume removal
- Correct Pool list if manual deletion adding a refresh (Volume and Pool)
- Force stop for VM if shutdown is not possible/working
- Add warning before delete or force to stop first.
- Adding Chartjs for charts (removed pygal)
- Correct IPv4 for VM
- Small corrections
- Adding Dashboard
- Increasing Dashboad (Disk,CPU,RAM)
- Adding ISO mounting on VM
- Improve Storage :creation volume/Show other Pool/Create Pool(?)
- Add Network Manager
- Add Admin Management or Config management