#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse from flask import Flask, render_template from flask_socketio import SocketIO import pty import os import subprocess import select import termios import struct import fcntl import shlex import logging import sys logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR) __version__ = "" app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=".", static_folder=".", static_url_path="") app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "secret!" app.config["fd"] = None app.config["child_pid"] = None socketio = SocketIO(app) def set_winsize(fd, row, col, xpix=0, ypix=0): logging.debug("setting window size with termios") winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", row, col, xpix, ypix) fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize) def read_and_forward_pty_output(): max_read_bytes = 1024 * 20 while True: socketio.sleep(0.01) if app.config["fd"]: timeout_sec = 0 (data_ready, _, _) = select.select([app.config["fd"]], [], [], timeout_sec) if data_ready: output = os.read(app.config["fd"], max_read_bytes).decode( errors="ignore" ) socketio.emit("pty-output", {"output": output}, namespace="/pty") @app.route("/") def index(): return render_template("index.html") @socketio.on("pty-input", namespace="/pty") def pty_input(data): """write to the child pty. The pty sees this as if you are typing in a real terminal. """ if app.config["fd"]: logging.debug("received input from browser: %s" % data["input"]) os.write(app.config["fd"], data["input"].encode()) @socketio.on("resize", namespace="/pty") def resize(data): if app.config["fd"]: logging.debug(f"Resizing window to {data['rows']}x{data['cols']}") set_winsize(app.config["fd"], data["rows"], data["cols"]) @socketio.on("connect", namespace="/pty") def connect(): """new client connected""" logging.info("new client connected") if app.config["child_pid"]: # already started child process, don't start another return # create child process attached to a pty we can read from and write to (child_pid, fd) = pty.fork() if child_pid == 0: # this is the child process fork. # anything printed here will show up in the pty, including the output # of this subprocess subprocess.run(app.config["cmd"]) else: # this is the parent process fork. # store child fd and pid app.config["fd"] = fd app.config["child_pid"] = child_pid set_winsize(fd, 50, 50) cmd = " ".join(shlex.quote(c) for c in app.config["cmd"]) # logging/print statements must go after this because... I have no idea why # but if they come before the background task never starts socketio.start_background_task(target=read_and_forward_pty_output) logging.info("child pid is " + child_pid) logging.info( f"starting background task with command `{cmd}` to continously read " "and forward pty output to client" ) logging.info("task started") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "A fully functional terminal in your browser. " "https://github.com/cs01/pyxterm.js" ), formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--port", default=5000, help="port to run server on", type=int ) parser.add_argument( "--host", default="", help="host to run server on (use to allow access from other hosts)", ) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="debug the server") parser.add_argument("--version", action="store_true", help="print version and exit") parser.add_argument( "--command", default="bash", help="Command to run in the terminal" ) parser.add_argument( "--cmd-args", default="", help="arguments to pass to command (i.e. --cmd-args='arg1 arg2 --flag')", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(__version__) exit(0) app.config["cmd"] = [args.command] + shlex.split(args.cmd_args) green = "\033[92m" end = "\033[0m" log_format = ( green + "pyxtermjs > " + end + "%(levelname)s (%(funcName)s:%(lineno)s) %(message)s" ) logging.basicConfig( format=log_format, stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO, ) logging.info(f"serving on http://{args.host}:{args.port}") socketio.run(app, debug=args.debug, port=args.port, host=args.host) if __name__ == "__main__": main()