# Hype ## About A simple interface in flask and python3, to mange and get a status of my vm and lxc containers. Using the python3-lxc and libvirt to communcate with lxc/kvm api. Creation need also the lxc-templates. ![ScreenShot](./tools/images/screenshot.png) ![ScreenShot2](./tools/images/Login.png) [![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-green.svg)](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/) [![GPLv3 License](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL%20v3-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/) [![AGPL License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPL-blue.svg)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0) ## Login Be carefull !! By default, the authentification is PAM. This PAM auth is based on the library [simplepam](https://github.com/leonnnn/python3-simplepam). This means that by default, the allowed users, are the user in the server. ## Install Some requirements are needed : ```sh Ubuntu/Debian: Using basic package in apt debian repositories. The script will install software dependencies, create a virtual environnement "hype_env" and download all Python dependancies in ths virtual env. python3 -m venv hype_env --system-site-packages Just launch the Debian install script : In root or sudo user : root$ chmod +x Debian_install.sh root$ sh ./Debian_install.sh ``` ## Network By default, Libvirt use a default network setting, creating a private LAN: ```ss default ``` If you want the server to be linked to you LAN, create a Bridge interface. For example in Debian (here eth0 is the main interface) In /etc/network/interface : ```sh allow-hotplug eth0 auto br0 iface br0 inet static bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 0 bridge_maxwait 0 address 192.168.XX.XX netmask gateway 192.168.XX.XX ``` Restart the network manager and check if you can see your interface called br0. You have then, to create a bridge interface in Libvirt: ```sh bridged ``` Then enable anc activate this interface : ```sh virsh net-define bridge.xml virsh net-start bridged virsh net-autostart bridged ``` Don't forget to map this network on Virtual Server Creation. ## Start Debian install script, will create a virtual environement. To start in this venv : ```sh #. hype_env/bin/activate (hype_env)#python3 hype.py Ensure that you are in the Virtal env, else you will not be able to user required python libs. ``` Then go on your browser : ```sh http://{{IP}}:5005 ``` ## WebTerminal The Containers are accessible thought a Web Terminal. It use the librairy [PyXtermJS](https://github.com/cs01/pyxtermjs) The install script will change : - host listening from to The install script will keep the previous files *.save. just move the .save to original name to rollback. ## Port configuration - By default, the script run : - 5005 for the website - 5000 for the Terminal interface - Please check your own configuration (firewall, proxy, reverse-proxy) ## Roadmap - [x] Update Changelog - [x] Add Console - [x] Add VM - [x] Add Storage View - [x] Add ISO (upload/use) - [x] Add VM creation - [x] Add forced stop on VM (when shutdown is not enought) - [x] Add Snapshot Management: - [x] Creation - [x] Restore - [x] Delete - [x] Add Info: - [x] lxc/vm - [x] system ressources (?) - [x] Storage : - [x] improve Pool location - [x] Correct Pool issue in case of manual deletion - [x] Monitoring : - [x] improve CPU and RAM - [x] Network : - [x] Correct IPv4 issue for VM - [x] Interface : - [x] Adding Dashboard - [x] Drivers : - [x] Check CD Driver and manage it (add/remove/change) To do : - [ ] Console: - [ ] Improve Xterm integration to avoid many ports - [ ] Network : - [ ] Add IPv6 address - [ ] Add Interfaces ## Sources / Resources LIBVIRT (KVM/QEMU) https://libvirt.org/ PYXTERMJS : virtual Terminal https://github.com/cs01/pyxtermjs LXC https://linuxcontainers.org/lxc/ https://github.com/lxc/python3-lxc